Stress and anxiety are at an all time high. The rate of change is accelerating. Businesses need to do more in society. Costs are rising. The old ways of doing things don’t work for companies. Burnout is real. The planet is on fire. People are demanding different things from organisations. AI is coming to take our jobs.
Phew. And, breathe.
Sound familiar?
This narrative is everywhere, it follows businesses around until they too believe it. Driving the pressure up and up causing organisations, that actually could be the beacons driving change, to contract, to freeze, to petrify. This narrative makes the challenges feel so big that the ability to make decisions and step into action slows. Unable to look at a problem in a new way and so yielding the same results. Making any stride towards organisational change feel too big, too challenging and too overwhelming.
But what about a different narrative? What if we put a different narrative into business? A different narrative behind our communication?
Consider this angle: “From chaos and overwhelm comes great clarity and growth. That accelerated change makes for new possibilities. That in shedding old systems new better, bigger, freeing systems emerge. That there is an alternative way to embrace change which ignites the fire in the organisational belly combining knowledge of the past with the needs of today.”
How are you feeling now? Calmer? More hopeful.
It is in the alternative ways that we find new solutions to recurrent problems, it just requires a new lens to see things through.
“And this mess is so big And so deep and so tall, We cannot pick it up. There is no way at all!” – Dr. Suess Cat in the Hat.
It may seem that today’s organisational challenges are lofty especially when trying to succeed in the day-to-day running of the business mind. But starting with how the business impacts its system provides the ability to pick it all up. To clarify, simplify and remove the fog of the complex. If we want to understand what can be different from what was yesterday, organisations can embrace the intuitive knowing and the cognitive pragmatic business need so the collective intelligence yields unprecedented results.
Things to think about:
Why do we want this idea / organisation to be in the world?
Are we really doing the best we can with what we have?
Do we really know where the right support and resources are needed?
Are we truly able to act in the way we wish to?
Do we understand where our limitations are so the organisation can move forward?
Are the issues / challenges we have reoccurring?
There is no roadmap for these answers. But the power, the clarity and the courage to solve these at a systemic level happens when the intuitive guides the rational. We gain dynamism and momentum when the cognitive, the rational, the tangible, the linear welcome in the intuitive, the knowing, the flow.
"This is an opportunity to do things differently. To realise business and people are part of the problem and solution. Seeing issues systemically to shed light on new channels and pathways. A shift in perception can change the paths of many, for the good of all.” - Shereen Daver, 108 Founder
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