Step into a world of adventure, connection, and a little bit of magic. Alfie, a curious kitten, and Beanie, his destined hooman, travel the world together—exploring, learning, and embracing life’s wonders.
This is a story that encourages people to dream big, that when wished upon the moon and stars great things can be manifested.
Coming soon; a series of Alfie and Beanie Books. On the Moon & Stars Sweden is the first book by Shereen Daver.
Alife and Beanie Books.
Innovation and Communication.
108 offers innovation and communication consultancy, idea visioning and integral coaching. We are on a mission to develop capacity and thinking for regenerative innovation. We think about projects and products that accelerate a conscious growth mindset.
We look at the whole business ecosystem to impacts why, how and what is essential to evolve. We are open to collaborations and co-funded research initiatives so that we can accelerate the change needed.
We believe that together we can think, feel and do our way to a happier, healthier, fairer world. A warm thank you goes to those collaborators and partners who continue to share their wisdom and time for research and collaborations.